February 28, 2011

Why I chose chiropractic

Before I begin with my reasons, I would like to make one thing clear. I wish to thank the doctors and surgeons that personally gave their services to me, in all of my times of need. There is no feasible way for me to express completely my appreciation for their presence. Without them, I would probably be crippled and deaf. For them, I am thankful.

As I mentioned a few days ago, I was immediately attracted to the chiropractic profession partly because it offered me a sense of security and would prevent me from doing, in my mind, the impossible. As a member of the most vulnerable generation of humanity in recent times, that protection from the unwilling violation of my own conscience was (and still is) significant to me.

Moreover, my experience with some of my more recent treatments for ordinary diseases left many other kinds of treatments to be desired. Knowing that the vast majority of drugs employ a mechanism involving a chemical modification of some microscopic body part to repress symptoms, I would have to risk a permanent alteration to my chemical makeup just to see whether the symptom disappears. More often than not, this kind of alteration introduces some new complications that the body tries to compensate for, potentially setting off a chain reaction of anomaly after anomaly.

The same principle applies to surgeries: once something is removed or modified, there’s no turning back. In the seventh grade, I attempted to pull off an “ollie” on a skateboard, and I literally paid the price with an arm (specifically my left elbow). Seven years later, I began to feel the effects of those foreign nails as they dug into the surrounding muscles: my pushups weren’t as explosive or smooth (even now I hear cracks almost every time), and local numbness of tissue persisted there. One might see this as a frivolous complaint about something so necessary, but the nature of surgeries cannot be ignored -- especially when there is often another way.

While I have a high regard for doctors and specialists and for what they do, they are best suited for emergencies—no other healthcare professional can handle emergency cases better. For everything else, chiropractors can fill in the gaps: they regularly provide nutritional advice, teach health and witness principles, and bring a mildly (or severely) encumbered body back to the path of healing itself, all without pressure from the pharmaceutical companies to sell and prescribe for profit. (It is true that there are MDs who advise their patients on matters of health and wellness, but this advice is limited at best, and unfortunately often overshadowed by the prescription itself.) Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of chiropractors do recognize the limits of their modus operandi, and don’t believe that the adjustment is a panacea. They just believe that adjustments can fix many neuromusculoskeletal abnormalities, which give rise to many other abnormalities in turn. This is very much akin to a distrust of the entire Roman Catholic hierarchy based on the actions of a few disturbed priests—such distrust is as unjustly deserved on their parts as well as on chiropractic in general.

This is even more important to me because, before my future intern lucidly explained chiropractic to me, I had never received an adjustment up to that point. That’s right—not even one moment of exposure to a chiropractor. Many of my classmates at Parker run the gamut from avid adjustment junkies to children of current practitioners, while I’m just a lowly neophyte in the world of chiropractic. Yet, from what I continue to learn every day, I find myself wondering how I haven’t come to find this sooner. There’s nothing like feeling the energy rush (not from adrenaline) and the endorphins flowing through after an adjustment. It’s something you have to experience for yourself in order to understand it truly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For your own good, before you get in too deeply, or spend too much money, try and carefully read this article, and i suggest doing EXTENSIVE additional research, since your welfare is at stake: http://www.chirobase.org/01General/career.html

This phrase stands out: "At most chiropractic colleges, students are exposed to cultlike indoctrination into a deviant belief system."

Also.. you claim that you cannot be a doctor because of the moral ramifications (though I imagine medical school might be a more cumbersome barrier, even if your morality allowed it). In light of this, consider carefully where the article states:
"One chiropractor told me how he had gone from practice to practice trying to find a job that did not violate his conscience."

What is implied here applies to many businesses that focus on processing 'customer-objects' to get as much money as possible with as little personalized care as possible. It seems the article points to this tendency existing in the world of chiropractic practice, and this is a blaring alarm for anyone who wants to work and keep a good conscience.

Forcing people to get X-rays is one of the biggest ploys to rake in extra cash. The xray machine has most likely paid for itself long ago, and thus every xray is probably marked up some thousand percent from the cost of the film, developing, and electricity.

I don't want to just plant seeds of doubt and criticism without offering something helpful. Here is what I would suggest. If you are truly attracted to this type of work, look at transforming your aim from being a chiropractor into something like an athletic trainer. Chances are that you will never perform any abortions, and you will most likely find a lot more satisfaction in your work, and there will be no struggle with working for a sketchy firm, reeling customers through "adjustments" as quickly as possible, dealing with pressure to give x-rays and pressure to maintain your own customer base (sales), and the mountain of other concerns that you have not yet identified with the romantic image of being a chiropractor.

And athletic trainers probably get more girls too.

At least take a good second look. God wants you to be happy, and if you take a careful second look at this, you will find out whether this will truly make you happy, though hard it may be.